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  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/07/2020 08:27 AM INDEX NO. 162516/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/07/2020 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ERNEST WATSON and ABBY WATSON INDEX NUMBER: 162516/2 6 Plaintiff vs THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ET AL Defendant AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Stateof New York } County of New York } ss.: The undersigned, beirrgduly swom, deposes and says; Deponent is not a party herein, isover 18 years of age and resides in New York, New York That on 1/29/2020 at 12:13 PM at 137 Centre Street, Lobby, New York, NY 10013 deponent served a(n) Summons and Complaint on P.O. Renee Soto by delivering a true copy of e.ach to said defendant personally; deponent knew the person so served to be the person described as said defendant therein. Description of Person Served: Gender: Male Skin: Brown Hair: Bald Age: 36 - 50 Yrs. 5'4" - 5'8" Height: Weight161-200 Lbs. Other: MILITARY SERVICE: At thetimeof service defendant was asked whether he/she was in the service military of the State of New York or theUnited Statesand receiveda negativereply.Upon information and belief based upon the conymenGon and observationas aforesaid deponent aversthatthe ddèridant is not in the service military of theStateof New York or the United Statesas thatterm is defined of the State in the statutes of New York or the FederalSoldiersand Sailors Relief Act. Civil Sworn to before me this 31s day of J ry,2020 Juan PimenteI NOTARY PUBLIC License No.2066974 JOHN D1CANIO NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK WESTCHESTER COUNTY LIC. # 01D14977768 COMM EXP. 2111/2023 Serving By Irving, Inc. | 233 Broadway, Suite 2201 J New York, NY 10279 New York City Dept. of ContemciAffairs License No. 0781160 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/07/2020 08:27 AM INDEX NO. 162516/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/07/2020 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK WATSON Af- ERNEST and ÂBBY WATSON INDEX NUMBER: 162516/2 vs Plaintiff THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ET AL Defendant AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE State of New York } County of New York } ss.: The undersigned, being duly sworn,deposes and says; Deponent isnot a partyherein, isover 18 years of age and resides inNew York, New York That on 1/29/2020 at 2:15 PM at300 Gold Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 deponent served a(n) Summons and Complaint "John" on Brady. Shield No. 646 c/o Warrant Section by delivering thereata truecopy ofeach toDetective Sabino [Co-Worker], a person ofsuitable age and discretion.Said premises is defendant's actualplace ofbusiness withinthe state. Within 20 days of such delivery, depüñëñt mailed a copy of same by firstclass mail in a postpaid envelope properly addressed to defendant atdefendant's actualplace of business at 300 Gold Street, Brook|ys, NY 11201. The envelope bore the legend "Personal and Confidential" and did notindicate on the outside thereof,by retum address or otherwise, thatthe communication was from an attorney or concerned an action against thedefendant. Mailed Copy on 01/31/2020 c/o NYPD Warrant Section Description of Person Served: Gender: Male Skin: White Hair: Brown/Gray Age: 51 - 65 Yrs. Height: 5' 9" - 6'0" Weight:Over 200 Lbs. Other: MILITARY SERVICE: Upon information and beliefbased upon theconversation(s)and as aforesaid observation(s) deponent aversthatthe defendantis not in the service military of the State of New Yorkor theUnitedStates as that terrn is defined of the in the statutes Stateof New York or theFederal Soldiersand SailorsCivil ReliefAct. Sworn to before me this 3 stday of J nu , 2020 _________ - .. __ __ ___ _____---___-.. _______ Juan Pi ntel NOTARY PUBUC License No.2066974 JOHN DICANIO NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF NEW YORK WESTCHESTER COUNTY UC. # 01D14977768 COMM EXP. 2/11/2023 Serving By Irving, Inc. | 233 Broadway, Suite 2201 ] New York, NY 10279 New York City Dept. of Consumer Affairs Ucense No. 0751150 2 of 2