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  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview


$l2Bi2r, Ailcerd. Cum, Ovary \ at NOTIFY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SUFFOLK, ss. SUPERIOR COURT | : ) Notice sent DANIEL BERG, et al, ) 8/27 12021 | plaintiffs, ) EFILED 8/19/21 HD PR. E..PC ; FoR: EPG, v. ) No.218-cvisag Ee Pt gt ) . ' COMMONWEALTH OF y ‘| MASSACHUSETTS, ) (sc) defendant ) | ) ASSENTED-TO MOTION OF DEFENDANT COMMONWEALTH OF ‘ MASSACHUSETTS TO EXTEND TIME TO RESPOND TO COMPLAINT Pursuant to Mass: R. Civ. P. 12(a)(1), the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the defendant in this action, respectfully requests that this Court extend its deadline to respond to the plaintiffs’ Complaint through October 7, 2021. The plaintiffs assent to such an extension. As grounds, the Commonwealth states: 1. The plaintiffs have filed a Complaint seeking declaratory relief and “specific _performance” for payment of back pay, concerning the scope of their entitlement under G.L. c. 33, § 59, to paid leave for certain military service. 2. The Commonwealth was served with the complaint and a summons on August 16, 2021. As such, its response to that Complaint is currently due on September 7, 2021. 3. The Commonwealth requests that deadline be extended by 30 days, through October 7, 2021. 4. Such an extension is appropriate in view of the complexity of this case, as well as the competing demands of other cases. Furthermore, such an extension will help the Commonwealth to assist the court in addressing the issues in this case. Such an extension will not prejudice any party or unduly delay adjudication of this case. 5. The plaintiffs assent to the requested extension. WHEREFORE, the Commonwealth respectfully requests that this Court extend its deadline to respond to the plaintiffs’ Complaint through October 7, 2021.