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  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview


COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SUFFOLK, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DANIEL BERG, et al. E-FILED 8/19/2021 plaintiffs, SL Vv. No. 2184-cv-1848 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, defendant NOTICE OF APPEARANCE Pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. 11(b)(2), please enter the appearance of AAG Eric A. Haskell as counsel for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the defendant in the captioned action. Respectfully submitted, MAURA HEALEY ATTORNEY GENERAL /s/ Eric Haskell August 19, 2021 Eric A. Haskell, BBO No. 665533 Assistant Attorney General One Ashburton Place Boston, Massachusetts 02108 617-963-2855 eric Certificate of Service Pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. 5(b) and the Supreme Judicial Court’s “Order Concerning Email Service In Cases Under Rule 5(b) of Mass. Rules of Civil Procedure” (dated Mar. 30, 2020), I certify that I caused the foregoing document to be served on the plaintiffs’ counsel of record by e-mail as follows: James Hykel, Esq. Pyle Rome Ehrenberg PC Two Liberty Square, 10th Floor Boston, Mass. 02109 617-367-7200 /s/ Evic Haskell August 19, 2021 Eric A. Haskell Assistant Attorney General