Order Granting In Forma Pauperis

On July 7, 2014 a conciliation case was filed in the jurisdiction of Carlton County. Judge Beiers, Leslie presiding.

FILED IN CARLTON COUNTY Office of Court Administration District Court Judicial District: Court File Number; Diane, Blossann ORDER RANTING * : In Forma Pauperis Application Ua n Moyvres (Minn. Stat. § 563.01) Order Denying In Forma Pauperis Application Based on the affidavit of the applicant_____= and the authority of Minn. Stat, § 563.01, the Court FINDS: The action is frivolous. ‘The applicant is not found to be indigent and is not entitled to proceed in forma pauperis. ITIS ORDERED THAT; The applicant's request to procced in forma pauperis is DENIED. Dated: Judge of District Court Order Granting In Forma Pauperis Application Based onthe affidavit ofthe applicant] WALL ES] OSSOW) sca the authority of Minn Stat. § 563.01, the Court FINDS: 1. The applicant's claims are not frivolous and applicant is indigent and entitled to proceed in forma pauperis. 2. applicant does not have the ability to pay all or a portion of the fees, costs, and security for costs. ‘The applicant has th…

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