Judgment Entered

On November 15, 2013 an ac suit on account case was filed by Midland Funding Llc, represented by Myers , Edward J., against Waters , Jennifer, in the jurisdiction of Christian County. Judge LUNA, LARRY G presiding.

#1350683 INTHE CIRCUIT COURT ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT DIVISION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI MIDLAND FUNDING LLC PLAINTIFF(s) DATE: January 28, 2014 Case Number _13CT-ACO1705_ Div/Team _ JENNIFER WATERS DEFENDANT(8) DEFAULT JUDGMENT Comes now Plaintiff(a) in person and/or by its attorney for agent and the Defendant(#) although thrice called comes not but makes DEFAULT, this cause being now submitted to the ‘Associate Cireuit Judge upon the proofs, evidence and pleadings adduced and the ‘Aswociate Circuit Judge being fully advised in the premises finds that the ‘Plaintiff(s) is/are justly entitled to recover of Defendant(s). WHEREFORE IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED, that Plaintiff(s) recover of the Defendant as follows: PRINCIPAL: $777.17 INTEREST: $26.83 ATTORNEY'S FEES: $.00 TOTAL: $804.00 PLUS Court Costs PLUS Process Server Fees of $ (Check if applicable) Stay of Execution is ordered as follows: $, shall be paid by Defendant(s) to Plaintiff(s) by the day of and on that date each monthither…

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