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  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview


Filing # 118809161 E-Filed 12/29/2020 10:17:34 AM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA DEBORAH COOPER BURG, by and through her CIRCUIT CIVIL DIVISION court-appointed guardian, RICKY BURG; NICOLE BURG, her daughter and RICKY CASE NO. 20-000616 CA BURG, her spouse, Plaintiffs, Vv. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIAN NETWORK, LLC; DILENDRA WEERASINGHE; JOHN RIOUX; FAWCETT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. d/b/a FAWCETT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL; SUSAN BRUNER; ABIGAIL UTECH; NANDINI KIRI, M.D., P.A.; NANDINIKIRI; HARBOR MEDICAL GROUP, LLC; AHSAN KAMAL; SOVI JOSEPH, M.D., P.A.; SOVI JOSEPH DOMINGO E. GALLIANO, JR., P.A.; DOMINGO GALLIANO, IR; ARTURO RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, M.D., P.L.! ARTURO RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, M.D.; MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP, LLC d/b/a MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP; CATHY CRISS; LIFE CARE CENTERS OF AMERICA, INC.; PUNTA GORDA MEDICAL INVESTORS, LLC d/b/a LIFE CARE CENTER OF PUNTA GORDA; LIFE CARE PHYSICIAN SERVICES, LLC and VANCE MALONEY, III, Defendants. / DEFENDANT AHSAN KAMAL’S ANSWER, AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL TO PLAINTIFFS’ AMENDED COMPLAINT Defendant, AHSAN KAMAL, by and through the undersigned attorneys, hereby responds to Plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint as follows: CASE NO, 20-000616 CA COUNT I THROUGH COUNT XxVII Paragraphs 1-342. These allegations do not pertain to Defendant, AHSAN KAMAL. To the extent they may be deemed to pertain to this Defendant, they are denied. COUNT XXVIII- CLAIM ON BEHALF OF DEBORAH COOPER BURG AGAINST DEFENDANT AHSAN KAMAL 343. Admitted for jurisdictional purposes only. Otherwise, denied. 344 Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 345 Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 346. Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 347 Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 348. Admitted that Ahsan Kamal was a medical doctor doing business in Florida and was a resident of the State of Florida. Otherwise, denied. 349, Denied. 350. Denied 351 Denied. 352. Denied 353 Denied. 354. Denied 355 Denied. COUNT XXIX- CLAIM OF NICOLE BURG AGAINST DEFENDANT AHSAN KAMAL 356. Admitted for jurisdictional purposes only. Otherwise, denied. 357 Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. CASE NO, 20-000616 CA 358. Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 359. Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 360. Admitted that Ahsan Kamal was a medical doctor doing business in Florida and was a resident of the State of Florida. Otherwise, denied. 361. Denied. 362. Denied 363 Denied. 364. Denied 365 Denied. 366. Denied 367 Denied. COUNT XXX- CLAIM OF RICKY BURG AGAINST DEFENDANT AHSAN KAMAL 368 Admitted for jurisdictional purposes. Otherwise, denied. 369. Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 370 Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 371 Without knowledge. Therefore, denied. 372. Admitted that Ahsan Kamal was a medical doctor doing business in Florida and was a resident of the State of Florida. Otherwise, denied. 373. Denied. 374. Denied. 375. Denied. CASE NO, 20-000616 CA 376 Denied. 377 Denied 378 Denied. 379. Denied COUNT XXXI THROUGH LXVI Paragraphs 380-838. These allegations do not pertain to Defendant, AHSAN KAMAL. To the extent they may be deemed to pertain to this Defendant, they are denied. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES Defendant, AHSAN KAMAL, having specifically answered each paragraph of the Amended Complaint, now alleges as separate and affirmative defenses, the following: FIRST AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant states that the Plaintiff's damages, if any, are the result of an act or omission of another, whose act or omission is not the responsibility of this Defendant. SECOND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Plaintiff herein has received benefits from collateral sources and Defendant is entitled to an offset to the extent of any amount that has been paid, payable, or contributed pursuant to Florida Statutes §768.76 and Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp. v. Lasky, 29 Fla. L. Weekly D103 (4"" DCA December 31, 2003). THIRD AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE That at the time and place and under the circumstances set forth in the Amended Complaint, the Plaintiff was careless and negligent and said carelessness and negligence was the sole CASE NO, 20-000616 CA proximate cause of the occurrence complained of and any injury, damage or loss allegedly sustained therein. FOURTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant asserts that the incident or damages complained of by Plaintiff was caused by conditions beyond the control of the Defendants and, accordingly, Plaintiff is precluded from recovery for the alleged damages. FIFTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE That such injury as Plaintiff may have suffered was solely the result of the natural and inexorable process of human disease and condition of recognized risks of therapy to treat the same. SIXTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant is entitled to the applicable provisions of Florida Statutes §768.13, §768.76, §768.78, and §768.81. Defendant is entitled to the applicable provisions of Florida Statutes §766.102 et. seq. SEVENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant asserts that the incident or damages complained of by Plaintiff was caused by conditions and/or independent intervening acts beyond the control of the Defendant and, accordingly, Plaintiff is precluded from recovery for the alleged damages. EIGHTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant affirmatively alleges that the actions of other persons or parties contributed to, or caused, in whole or in part, the damages alleged by Plaintiff, and any said negligence of other persons or parties should be apportioned accordingly. CASE NO, 20-000616 CA NINTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Plaintiff has failed to mitigate her damages as is required by law. TENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant affirmatively alleges that Plaintiff's damages, if any, were caused by forces and/or independent intervening acts, for which this Defendant had no control or responsibility. ELEVENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE To the extent applicable, the Defendant is entitled to the provisions of §766.118, and its subparts. TWELFTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Plaintiff failed to comply with the conditions precedent to the institution and maintenance of this action in failing to comply with the provisions of Florida Statute, §766.106 and §766.203. THIRTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant further affirms that the cause of action, claim or item of damages did not accrue within the time prescribed by law before this action was brought. FOURTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE The injury was within the necessary or reasonably foreseeable results of the surgical, medicinal, or diagnostic procedure constituting the medical intervention, and the intervention was carried out in accordance with the prevailing professional standard of care. Fla. Stat. 766.102(2)(a). FIFTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE CASE NO, 20-000616 CA To the extent applicable, Defendant affirmatively alleges that he is entitled to a set-off for any sums paid by any other Defendants, or any other joint tort-feasors, as payment or settlement in this cause, if any. SIXTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant affirmatively alleges that the actions of third persons, other persons or parties, contributed to, or caused in whole or in part, the injury and damages alleged by Plaintiff, and any said negligence of other persons or parties should be apportioned accordingly pursuant to the Fabre doctrine and Florida Statute Section 768.81. Based on the allegations contained in the Amended Complaint, if deemed true by the jury, Defendant lists the following as Fabre Defendants in this matter: WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIAN NETWORK, LLC; DILENDRA WEERASINGHE; JOHN RIOUX; FAWCETT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. d/b/a FAWCETT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL; SUSAN BRUNER; ABIGAIL UTECH; NANDINI KIRI, M.D., P.A.; NANDINI KIRI; SOVI JOSEPH, M.D., P.A.; SOVI JOSEPH DOMINGO E. GALLIANO, JR., P.A.; DOMINGO GALLIANO, JR.; ARTURO RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, M.D., P.L.' ARTURO RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, M.D.; MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP, LLC d/b/a MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP; CATHY CRISS; LIFE CARE CENTERS OF AMERICA, INC.; PUNTA GORDA MEDICAL INVESTORS, LLC d/b/a LIFE CARE CENTER OF PUNTA GORDA; LIFE CARE PHYSICIAN SERVICES, LLC and VANCE MALONEY, III. Defendant reserves the right as discovery progresses to place any party, person, healthcare provider, or other entity, etc., who may be determined to be liable on the verdict form at the time of trial. SEVENTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Plaintiff's damages, if any, were brought about as a direct and proximate result of CASE NO, 20-000616 CA independent, unforeseeable and intervening causes over which this Defendant had no control or responsibility and, therefore, this Defendant cannot be held liable to the Plaintiff for damages, if any. EIGHTEENTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE At all times material hereto, the Defendant acted in good faith and with due regard for the prevailing professional standard of care. NINETEETH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Defendant is entitled to present evidence and argument at trial that Plaintiffs future damages should be reduced by her future Social Security disability and Medicare payments. Further, the Court should set off these payments against any future damages awarded to Plaintiff to prevent a windfall. Florida Physicians Reciprocal v. Stanley, 452 So.2d 514 (Fla. 1984). See also State Farm Mutual Auto. Insur. Co. v. Joerg, 2013 Fla. App. Lexis 9840 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013), Fence Wholesalers of America, Inc. v. Beneficial Commercial Corp., 465 So.2d 570 (Fla. 4th DCA 1985) and State Marine Patrol v. Clifton, 959 So.2d 1262 (Fla. 1st DCA 2007). Plaintiffs’ failure to comply with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s mandate to obtain health insurance constitutes a failure to mitigate damages and, thus, Plaintiffs’ recovery must be reduced proportionately to the amount attributable to such failure. TWENTIETH AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE The collateral source rule is no longer applicable because the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act mandates that all persons obtain health insurance. Therefore, evidence relating to collateral source benefits received in the past and available in the future to Plaintiff is admissible and such collateral source benefits shall offset and reduce any past or future economic CASE NO, 20-000616 CA damages awarded. TWENTY-FIRST AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE Plaintiff's failure to comply with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s mandate to obtain health insurance constitutes a failure to mitigate damages, and thus, Plaintiffs recovery must be reduced proportionately to the amount attributable to such failure. TWENTY-SECOND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE This Defendant is entitled to indemnification and/or contribution and reimbursement of attorney’s fees and costs, for any liability on its part, due to the alleged negligent acts of co- defendants. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Defendant herein demands a trial by jury of any and all issues so triable. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE WE HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy hereof has been electronically served via Florida ePortal to: Edward R. Blumberg, Esquire,,,,,; John M. Stewart, Esquire,,,; Richard K. Bowers, Jr., Esquire, and service-; Jay Chimpoulis, Esquire,,,; Victoria N Ferrentino, Esquire,,,,; Richard B. Mangan, Jr., Esquire,,,; Ralph L. Marchbank, Jr., Esq.,,; Frances G. Prockop, Esquire,,; Brett P. Gliosca, Esquire, stp-;; nkovy: on this 29" day of December, 2020. 4s/ Douglas B. Lumpkin Douglas B. Lumpkin, Esquire Florida Bar No. 860700 CASE NO, 20-000616 CA Summer E. Harcup, Esquire Florida Bar No. 0118787 WICKER SMITH O'HARA MCCOY & FORD, P.A. Attorneys for Defendants Ahsan Kamal, MD and Harbor Medical Group, LLC 1819 Main Street., Suite 910 Sarasota, FL 34236 Phone: (941) 366-4200 Fax: (941) 366-4227 Service: Atty Email: Atty Email: Assistant Email: