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  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview
  • BURG, DEBORAH A vs. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIANS NETWORK, LLCMedical Malpractice document preview


Filing # 135979530 E-Filed 10/05/2021 08:24:26 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20% JUDICIAL COURT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA DEBORAH COOPER BURG, by and through her CASE NO.: 2020-000616 CA Court-appointed Guardian, RICKY BURG; NICOLE BURG, her daughter; and RICKY BURG, her spouse, Plaintiffs, Vv. WEST FLORIDA PHYSICIAN NETWORK, LLC; DILENDRA WEERASINGHE; JOHN RIOUX; FAWCETT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. d/b/a FAWCETT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL; SUSAN BRUNER; ABIGAIL UTECH; NANDINI KIRI, M.D., P.A.; NANDINI KIRI; HARBOR MEDICAL GROUP, LLC; AHSAN KAMAL; SOVI JOSEPH, M.D., P.A.; SOVI JOSEPH; DOMINGO E. GALLIANO, JR,, P.A.; DOMINGO GALLIANO, JR.; ARTURO RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, M.D., P.L.; ARTURO RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN; MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP, LLC d/b/a MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP; CATHY CRISS; LIFE CARE CENTERS OF AMERICA, INC.; PUNTA GORDA MEDICAL INVESTORS, LLC d/b/a LIFE CARE CENTER OF PUNTA GORDA; LIFE CARE PHYSICIAN SERVICES, LLC; and VANCE MALONEY, III, Defendants. / DEFENDANT, MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP, LLC’S RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION inre PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION TO COMPEL AS TO JULY 28, 2021 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION Defendant, MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP, LLC, by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby opposes in full and responds as follows to “Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel as to Plaintiffs’ July 28, 2021 Supplemental Request for Production ...”, filed September 21, 2021. Cole, Scott & Kissane Miami | Fort Lauderdale West | Fort Lauderdale East | West Palm Beach | Orlando | Jacksonville | Tampa Bonita Springs | Naples | Pensacola | Fort Myers | Tallahassee | Key West CASE NO.: 2020-000616 CA As addressed further in Defendant’s corresponding Motion for Protective Order (filed August 27, 2021), MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP is not obligated to obtain and produce documents the policies, procedures, and protocols of separate entities. There is no dispute MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP was not involved in the patient’s transfer to Life Care Center or any preceding evaluations or approvals, so the items Plaintiff is demanding—the policies, procedures, and protocols that would have been implicated had MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP been the involved in this transfer—have no conceivable relevance. 1 Defendant, MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP, LLC (MPG) is the employer of Defendant DR. CATHY CRISS, who was mistakenly designated as the attending physician for purposes of the consultations with Millennium Home Care, a separate entity, on August 20 ind August21, 2019. 2 DEBORAH BURG’s actual admitting/attending physician was Dr. Arturo Rodriguez-Martin, the patient’s primary care physician who referred her to home care and signed the order authorizing the same. 3 Having discovered DR. CRISS had no physician-patient relationship with DEBORAH BURG and no involvement in the patient’s care, Plaintiffs now assert a new basis for liability, based on DR. CRISS’s execution of the patient plan of care on September 5, 2019. 4. As addressed in greater depth in the contemporaneously filed response to Plaintiffs’ “Amended Motion for Appropriate Relief,” this new angle is inconsistent with the Complaint and is patently untenable: As the alleged deficiencies in DEBORAH BURG’s care 2 Cole, Scott & Kissane Miami | Fort Lauderdale West | Fort Lauderdale East | West Palm Beach | Orlando | Jacksonville | Tampa Bonita Springs | Naples | Pensacola | Fort Myers | Tallahassee | Key West CASE NO.: 2020-000616 CA had been remedied when DR. CRISS became involved and executed the plan of care on September 5, 2019, a different course of action at that time would have made no difference. 5 Plaintiffs’ references to false statements derive from a very strained interpretation of the plan of care and DR. CRISS’s deposition testimony, but, regardless, these claims can be disregarded entirely, as DEBORAH BURG is suing DR. CRISS (and MPG, as her employer) for medical malpractice, not improper billing practices. 6 Despite the substantial space Plaintiffs dedicate to their arguments, none of the points raised actually addresses the objections raised in the corresponding Motion for Protective Order. 7. As an initial matter, MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP, LCC is not obligated to obtain and produce documents from Millennium Home Care or Millennium Healthcare, which are independent entities. 8 Having served Millennium Home Care with a separate presuit notice and deposed an Millennium Home Care employee (who was represented by separate counsel), Plaintiffs are aware that Millennium Home Care is an entity distinct from MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP, as is Millennium Healthcare LLC (to the extent the reference to “Millennium Health Care” is intended to refer to the same). 9. Limiting the Requests in accordance with these settled principles, Plaintiffs are seeking the following: a All policies and procedures in effect in August 2019 concerning Millennium Physician Group as to the process for a Millennium Physician Group patient being identified as eligible for home skilled nursing facility admission and the 3 Cole, Scott & Kissane Miami | Fort Lauderdale West | Fort Lauderdale East | West Palm Beach | Orlando | Jacksonville | Tampa Bonita Springs | Naples | Pensacola | Fort Myers | Tallahassee | Key West CASE NO.: 2020-000616 CA process that Millennium Physician Group follows to have a patient admitted to askilled nursing facility such as Life Care Center of Punta Gorda. All Beneficiary and/or Admission Protocols in effect in August 2019 concerning the evaluation and approval of a Millennium Physician Group patient to be admitted to a skilled nursing facility such as Life Care Center of Punta Gorda. All policies, procedures, and protocols in effect in August 2019 which were followed by Millennium Physician Group, LLC, as to the transfer of Plaintiff Deborah Cooper Burg from Millennium Home Care to Life Care Center of Punta Gorda. 10. Again, there is no dispute that DEBORAH BURG came to Life Care Center from Millennium Home Care, that transfer decision being made by the patient and/her husband, with the assistance of her primary care physician, Dr. Rodriguez-Martin. 11. DR. CRISS had not been the patient's primary care physician since 2015, and neither she, nor MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP had any involvement in this transfer decision. 12. Compelling MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP to produce documents which indisputably address a purely hypothetical scenario that is blatantly contrary to the established facts of what actually occurred, represents an undue burden, not justified by any reasonable discovery interests articulated by Plaintiffs’ counsel. WHEREFORE, Defendant, Millennium Physician Group, LLC, requests this Honorable Court deny Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel, grant its corresponding Motion for Protective Order, and afford such other relief as the Court deems proper under the circumstances. 4 Cole, Scott & Kissane Miami | Fort Lauderdale West | Fort Lauderdale East | West Palm Beach | Orlando | Jacksonville | Tampa Bonita Springs | Naples | Pensacola | Fort Myers | Tallahassee | Key West CASE NO.: 2020-000616 CA CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 5th day of October, 2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was filed with the Clerk of Charlotte County by using the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal, which will send an automatic e-mail message all attorneys of record. COLE, SCOTT & KISSANE, P.A. Counsel for Defendant Millennium Physician Group, LLC Cole, Scott & Kissane Building 27300 Riverview Center Boulevard, Suite 200 Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 Telephone (239) 690-7924 Facsimile (239) 738-7778 Primary e-mail: Secondary e-mail: Alternate e-mail; By: s/ Daniel Calvert RON M. CAMPBELL Florida Bar No.: 827061 DANIEL C. CALVERT Florida Bar No.: 116544 5 Cole, Scott & Kissane Miami | Fort Lauderdale West | Fort Lauderdale East | West Palm Beach | Orlando | Jacksonville | Tampa Bonita Springs | Naples | Pensacola | Fort Myers | Tallahassee | Key West